Friday, November 6, 2020



PEATC's Bi-Weekly E-News Blast, a space for parents, professionals, and youth to stay up-to-date with upcoming PEATC events and workshops happening around the state of Virginia as well as other "news you can use!" 
Keeping Up with Medicaid Waiver Contacts
It can be hard to keep up with all the information related to the services and supports that you receive. But having information about important people and organizations that you need to reach frequently can help. You can use this form to keep track of important contacts and to update them as they change.

Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide

This “Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide” provided by the Office of Educational Technology will inform you, as a parent or caregiver, as you monitor your child’s progress as your child accesses and uses technology for learning. This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are expert with these tools, and anywhere in between. 

  • Early Childhood Opportunities 
    • Learning About Your Child's Reading Development | November 9 - December 18, 2020. This free self-paced online workshop provides parents with the foundations, tips, and tools on helping their child learn to read. This series is divided into four sessions and will take approximately 4 hours to complete. This series is divided into four sessions: skills needed to learn to read, how reading typically develops, why children might struggle to read; and signs of risk for reading difficulties.
    • Connecting the Dots: Child Care Resources | November 10 at 7:00 PM. Join us for a PEATC Early Childhood Webinar as we connect the dots on: types of child care available, resources on finding child care providers in your area, and questions to ask when choosing care for a child with a disability. 
  • 3 Workshops for Military Families with Children in the EFMP
    • How to Talk So Schools Will Listen (and Listen so....) | November 19 at 7:00 PM. This workshop will help participants discover communication techniques, learn how to recognize and prevent barriers to communication and build agreements around difficult problems.
    • Serving with an Exceptional Family Member (EFM) | December 10 at 7:00 PM. An up-close look at how one Navy family has managed decades of service with a child with severe autism. Attendees have the opportunity to benefit from the speaker’s experience in special education, Tricare, and transitioning from active duty to retirement and the civilian world.


  • Como Hablar para que las Escuelas los Esuchen y (Escuchar para que las Escuelas Hablen) |  Lunes, Noviembre 9 a las 6:30 PM: ¿Por qué son tan difíciles las asociaciones? ¿Qué se puede hacer para mejorar la comprensión entre los padres y los profesionales mientras buscan llegar a un acuerdo mutuo sobre los IEP y otros temas relacionados con la educación de los estudiantes con discapacidades? Este taller ayudará a los participantes a descubrir técnicas de comunicación, aprender cómo reconocer y prevenir las barreras a la comunicación y construir acuerdos sobre problemas difíciles. Este taller se ofrece en inglés y español. 
  • 10 Cosas que Debe Saber Sobre los IEP | Miercoles, 18 de Noviembre a las 6:30 PM: Durante más de 30 años, se ha garantizado a los niños con discapacidades el derecho a una educación pública gratuita y apropiada (FAPE). Todos los padres son participantes iguales en el desarrollo del Plan de Educación Individualizado (IEP) para su hijo de acuerdo con la ley, pero los IEP pueden ser confusos y muy estresantes para los padres. Ya sea que su hijo esté comenzando en el sistema de educación especial, en la transición de una escuela a otra, o simplemente necesite un repaso, este taller será beneficioso para usted. Los participantes aprenderán las diez cosas que "necesitan saber" sobre los IEP para capacitarlos para que sean un defensor más seguro y cómodo de su hijo.

Grupo de Chat para Padres: Unete a nuestro nuevo GRUPO DE CHAT mediante la aplicación de WhatsApp y podras mantenerte al tanto de todo lo que PEATC Latino esta haciendo. Entra al GRUPO: 


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Upcoming PEATC Workshops

 Please check out the upcoming websites through PEATC.  Use the link below each workshop to register. Sexual Health and Wellness Trainings *...